Friday, December 30, 2011

Welcome One and All!

Hi, everybody! Welcome to my new blog, The Kansas City Nerd. I am Jacob Katz, the owner, creator, and Supreme Ruler/Overlord (in Training) of this blog. I created this blog because I wanted to catalog my life (not really), and also wanted to help out my friends with homework, school, or anything else, and just post random crap. :) So, if you have anything you want to ask about, or anything you want to to post/talk about, just send an email to, and I'll post something about it right away. I'll also try to set up a system where anyone that signs up will get sent an email when I post something, or a separate system where I'll send people an email when sites like Mr. Welton's Science Blog, HBHA Science, or Powerschool are updated with grades and stuff. As an added bonus, if you like my site, log in (or don't, and still do the next thing), and I'll maybe post the answers to homework that I got, and see if anybody else would like to give their opinion, check answers, or compare grades. I am open to constructive criticism on my blog, and I fully allow comments of any type in any article, but I ask that they are as relevant as possible. Also, as per my terms of service with my dad, who said my sister may read my blog (why?), please don't include that much offensive language, or I may have to shun you. So, for the next week, I encourage anybody who actually reads my blog to post stuff about the Winterims that they are taking in an upcoming article that I will post. I plan to update my blog almost every day, maybe less frequent when we have some big ol' tests coming up, and definitely more frequently when we are on break (like now). Since my sister is reading this, please check out her new blog at and check out what she writes about. I'm also gonna take a step forward and ask if anybody would maybe like to become a writer for me, so I could have a blog with content from more than one perspective. I'll take anybody that would be willing to write about their lives and opinions frequently, and has a good sense of humor (most people I know). Anyway, so this article doesn't become a rambling plethora of words (big word, right? Thank you,!), I'm going to cut it off here, and wish everybody a good Rest-of-Winter Break! Also, to unleash my inner nerd, I'm going to include a good-bye saying in binary. 01010011 01100101 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110011 01101111 01101111 01101110 00100001 01000101 01101110 01101010 01101111 01111001 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01100010 01101100 01101111 01100111 00100001

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